Highest Rated Mac Games

Highest Rated Mac GamesHighest Rated Mac Games

Destructive Creations' Hatred is filling up column inches right now thanks to being advertised as letting you go on a 'genocidal crusade' - easily securing an Adults Only rating in the US as a response to its content. It also is apparently an awful game in terms of story, gameplay, or general fun. Considering how the companies behind all popular consoles generally won't allow AO games to be released on their platforms, those seeking out Adults Only games often need to turn to the PC (or Mac, if you're one of those folk). Not too many games throughout the history of the ESRB have secured an Adults Only rating, and of those that did some developers and publishers wear it as a badge of pride, whilst others changed their game so as to avoid what is basically the Scarlet Letter of ratings if you want to be on a console. As not too many games have earned the fabled AO, it is worth examining some ones that did, and why they were controversial enough to get such a rating. There are of course plenty of porn games in the U.S. that have this rating, but some entries into the Adults Only club might surprise you. Therefore, let's look at which other games over the years have received this rating and why. Plus, were any actually good?

Top Rated Mac Games

10 Most Controversial Video Games Rated 'Adults Only' In America. Those seeking out Adults Only games often need to turn to the PC (or Mac, if you're one of those folk). SteamDB is a community website and is not affiliated with Valve or Steam. Are there any good tetris games for mac free. All times on the site are UTC.


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